
Better Roads

Gadsden, AL
We can evaluate to see how how effective our pavement maintenance is, what’s working, what’s not, what areas have we not touched. It’s been great. it helps us on a daily basis.

Heath Williamson
Director of Engineering, City of Gadsden

South Bend, IN
"Michelin Better Roads enables all of our internal staff to view the current conditions of all our road segments, including high definition photographs and corresponding numerical ratings. RoadWay also displays an average rating of our overall road network, which quickly and accurately gives us the tools to portray the City’s need for additional paving."

Scott Kreeger
Project Engineer, City of South Bend

Plumstead Township, PA
"Their smartphone-based collection process, objective road ratings, and exportable data made it the ideal tool for the task."

H. Scott Russell, P.E.
Senior Project Manager, Plumstead Township

Safer Roads

Nevada DOT
Nevada DOT
"I was provided vital information and reliable data that enhanced my ability to analyze the roadways in my state for potential problematic areas that need to be reviewed further to mitigate future crash problems."

Shara J. Thiesen
Chief Traffic Safety Engineer

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